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Stop worrying about your kids' math skills; start them on the path of problem-solving with our fun math puzzles! This puzzles give your children the perfect opportunity to sharpen their mathematical minds and have fun doing it. With our easy-to-use puzzle packs, they'll be applying their newfound math knowledge in no time! The game consists of 4 simple math tasks with pictures. By solving everything correctly and adding the right answers to the special fields, the child can assemble a puzzle of 4 pieces.
Get your kids solving today and watch their confidence soar!
This resource includes 1 digital file for your classroom activities. You can also show this game to your students during a Skype or Zoom call!
More Fun Digital Worksheets and Printable Activities:
Another ways to use the product:
Small group intervention
Independent Work
Homework practice
Reading centers or Literacy stations
Morning Work
By purchasing this product, you are entitled to one license of this product for a classroom set.
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