What are the rules for selling content on Teacher Content?

Teachers Content is a marketplace for teachers to buy, sell or share educational content: interactive learning materials and classic printables. To post materials on Teacher Content, please follow the recommendations for preparing materials and the site's rules:

  • Be decent and honest. Sell only resources, the rights to which are entirely yours. Check that your materials are high-quality, without errors, and have no gaps or low-quality graphics. The cover and the name of the resources should correspond to the internal content as much as possible. Please don't mislead users, and always describe in detail what is included in your materials, for example, a list of topics, a summary of the resource, the number of pages, and so on.

  • Teacher Content allows you to sell interactive content, so if any or all of a resource is dependent on third-party services or other platforms, you are responsible for maintaining the functionality and availability of that content. However, you may not require users to purchase additional products or service subscriptions to access resources sold on the platform.

  • Please respect the law and third parties rights and be careful when using wording and formatting materials. Material that does not comply with the law violates anyone's rights (including copyright, trademark or other intellectual property, person, right of publicity, or right of privacy) or violates copyright will be removed.

  • Teachers' Content should not be used to drive traffic to another website or business. Published resources should be of value to teachers and educators.


Where can I find free public domain images and pictures?

We can’t all be professional artists and designers as well as amazing teachers and authors. So, we understand that some teachers are choosing to incorporate third-party content in their courses. There are many image and clipart libraries on the web, but not all of them have quality images or are reliable sources. It can be tough to know which sites to trust, and how to navigate their licensing rules, so it’s good to be cautious and read carefully. Here are some sites you might want to check out:

  • Wikimedia Commons - Wikimedia Commons is a media repository that is part of the Wikipedia umbrella project, where users are free to use any of the site's photos, audio, videos, and other media freely and without any restrictions.

  • Unsplash - A spectacular, huge site, with over 550,000 high-resolution photos that can be used by anyone.

  • Pixabay - Stock photos and illustrations for every need. This beautiful service provides a simple, easy-to-use site with nearly 65,000 photos and illustrations that are available to you for any purpose, without attribution.

  • Clker - Free clip art library you can use for anything you like


You can use subscription based or pay-per-image services - such as Classroom Clipart, CanStockPhoto, iStock, Adobe Stock, Canva, Procreate, Shutterstock


These are also the services that are often used by our vendors to add images:

You can choose any platform that is convenient to you and get all the needed images to use in your materials.


How to start selling my educational products?

1. Set up your user profile:

  1. Goto page https://teachercontent.com and click Become a seller button on the top.

  2. After registration you will have an access to admin panel.

  3. This is a direct url to admin panel https://teachercontent.com/vendor.php

  4. There you will find analytics, product management tools and other options. Do not forget to set up your avatar: Your name at top-left corner -> "Seller Info" -> "Logos" and upload your image.


2. Create your first product by uploading your resources

If you don't have the materials ready but want to try creating a learning resource to sell on Teacher Content, go to the next section, “How to create educational material for sale?

  1. Click the Products option on the left panel and then the "+" button in the top right corner. Select Create a new product.

  2. Input name

  3. Select categories

  4. Input price (it may be 0 as well)

  5. Input a complete description of your product. Make sure you are very detailed in what is included so buyers know exactly what to expect. Use keywords and attach images to your description. Keywords are important because they help you understand what users are searching for and the content you need to provide to meet their needs.

  6. Select some preview images. We suggest to create a preview so buyers can see your product closer than just the small thumbnail.

  7. Important: enable the checkbox Extra -> "Downloadable."

  8. Click Create in the top right corner. You will see a new product in the list. Click on it.

  9. You will see Files to sell. Click on it and add a PDF file(s) of the product. If you have a digital product that you wish to sell in PDF format, you can follow this instruction to create your own PDF file.

  10. Ready! Once your product is approved, users will see it on the market.


How to create educational material for sale using Interacty.me (I have no projects/resources to sell)? A step-by-step guide.

If you have no ready resources, you may want to create new Interactive projects. You can sign up on Interacty.me and start creating projects for free.

After registration, please contact us at info@teachercontent.com, and we set up a special author plan for you that includes premium features and advise you on how to create your project correctly.

From idea to sale, you have the following steps:

  1. Come up with an idea for a project or lesson

  2. Register on Interacty.me by selecting the category Education and choosing a free plan.

  3. Watch video tutorials on creating projects on Interacty and read articles in our help center.

  4. Create a one-page or multi-page document on Interacty about a topic in which you are an expert. This may include static content (texts, images), audio, and video materials, as well as interactive: tests, quizzes, games, and more. The best results are obtained by combining various static and interactive blocks. Ensure your material is valuable to teachers and students, does not contain errors and inaccuracies, and all games work correctly. The content must be educational and comply with the rules of the site. The publication of advertising materials is not allowed. So that you know, the interactive project you are selling cannot be edited or deleted after it has been published to the marketplace.

  5. When your project is ready, fill out our Google template by adding the most detailed description, uploading images (screenshots), and indicating the link to the project and the QR code. When the template is completed, click the print button and select PDF as the printer. This file will become the material you can sell on Teacher Content. For information on uploading this file and creating your first product for sale, see the Create your first product by uploading your resources section above. When setting the price, please note that we recommend you share a part of your products for free to promote your profile. More users will visit your profile and possibly download premium products. Here is a detailed instruction on how you can transform this PDF file into your selling material.

  6. When your educational materials are uploaded to the platform, moderators check the materials for compliance with the rules of the service. Moderators do not review the content of the lessons - we trust our authors, considering them to be professionals. The quality of the materials depends entirely on the authors' conscience, and how good they are will depend on the success and sales volumes on the platform.

  7. Have your materials been moderated? Congratulations! Now you are a full-fledged author. Invite your colleagues and acquaintances, and share links to your materials on social networks to increase profile recognition.


Are you a beginner seller on Teachers Content? This video will walk you through all the basics of registration, setting up, and learning from your Teacher Content seller account:


In case of any questions please email us at info@teachercontent.com